What are coffee liqueurs, how are they made, and what are you supposed to do with them? Beyond breakfast and dessert, a little side trip into the history of liqueurs and coffee, and some brand tasting.
[Recorded 10 Jan 2019]
In the glasses (2:45)
Kamora (Mexico) – Made with actual brewed coffee, but the recipe is claiming to be an “ancient Mayan secret”.
Kahlua (Mexico) – Made with rum and has been around since 1936. The sugarcane based rum is barrel-aged for seven years, and then combined with coffee extract, vanilla and caramel color (20% abv).
Patron XO Cafe (Mexico) – Made with Patron Silver Tequila and debuted in 1992. It is less sweet than other coffee liqueurs, and you can actually taste the tequila (35% abv).

Liqueur vs Cordial (7:30)
The word “liqueur” comes from the Latin word liquifacere which translates to “dissolve’”.
First we should refresh our memories with the definition of liqueur. Essentially we’re talking about taking a distilled spirit, and adding flavors, sugar, coloring or other ingredients.
The alcohol content is typically between 15 and 30%, and must have a certain level of residual sugar, depending on country, usually at least 2.5%.
History (10:34)
As with many alcoholic beverages, we can trace liqueurs roots back to the two “M’s” – monks and medicine, as far back as the 14th century.
It was in the 1500s or so that the influx of trade around the world inspired the use of the new and exciting ingredients which was later commercialized. Coffee shows up about the same time in literature, and is said to have also been used for religious rituals or medicinal purposes.
According to the book The Drunken Botanist, coffee started flavoring liqueurs in the early 1800s. These simple recipes consisted of roasted coffee beans, sugar, and spirit.
Prohibit this (12:10)
There were five attempts over the centuries to ban coffee for reasons of it causing “radical thinking and hanging out” and because it was impacting – get this – beer sales!
Seriously. No. https://nationalcoffee.blog/2015/12/15/5-attempts-to-ban-coffee-in-history/
What do we do with all these liqueurs? (16:00)
Drink as a digestivo neat or on the rocks, if it’s not too sweet and syrupy for your liking.
Put it in your coffee – aka spiked coffee or “caffe corretto.” Or in your hot cocoa. Then there’s Mexican coffee or the Irish Winter.
Cocktails – there are endless options on the internet, but you are probably most familiar with White/Black Russians, Chocolatini/Espresso martinis, spiked milkshakes or Mudslides. But have you ever heard of a Coffee Sour or the Ozark Speedball?
Cooking – great for making glazes and BBQ sauces for grilled meats, and also incorporating into chocolate desserts.
Unless specified, store with the rest of your booze. No need to refrigerate or worry about expiration. Again, unless a particular craft distillery recommends it.
Stewart, A. (2013). The Drunken Botanist: The plants that create the world’s great drinks. Algonquin: Chapel Hills, NC
Don’t have any coffee liqueurs? We’ve got you covered with a few brewed coffee cocktails with 6 Coffee Cocktails to Buzz Up Your Night https://vinepair.com/wine-blog/6-coffee-cocktails-to-buzz-up-your-night/
A general liqueur article with pairings – http://municipalbev.com/articles/wine/liqueurs.pdf
Liquorista https://www.liquorista.com/best-coffee-liqueurs/
Punchdrunk https://punchdrink.com/articles/navigating-coffee-liqueur-boom-patron-st-george-spirits/
Make your own with cold brew and your booze of choice https://driftaway.coffee/what-is-coffee-liqueur/
Listener Tip (23:30)
Let’s call it a “lip tip” – Steph expressed interest in Jancis Robinson’s lip color after watching Somm 3. In our world, lip color stuck to wine glasses can be a challenge. This isn’t just for those of us who wear it, but for those of us who have to wash it off the glassware later.
Andrea of @parmieuxadventures in Istanbul left us this super cool tip, however:
Love it! Here’s the website: https://www.sleekmakeup.com/lip
We will resume Pod Quiz fun in February.
Our Show Sponsor! (24:00)
Cheers to our Show Sponsor, WTSO!
Wine at the best price online, one at a time, ’til – guess when – they’re sold out! It will change the way you shop for your wine.

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Patreon Love (25:10)
Thank you to our patrons who support us on our Patreon crowdfunding platform! Heads up – our 200th episode is on the horizon, and WTSO is helping us celebrate with $200 worth of giveaways for patrons! (The drawing will be on 31 January).
Connect (26:20)
Between each weekly chat you can find us on the social spaces @WineTwoFive, and play in our private FaceBook group called Wine Two Five Community!
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